Goodbye 2020: My Favorite Moments of This Very Terrible Year!

Can you believe it’s already time for the end of year posts?

I don’t know how to feel about the fact that in a little over a week, this trashfire of a year will be over. On one hand, it’s a relief to know that we can have a fresh start in 2021, but at the same time, I have a deep fear that nothing will change—whether it be COVID specifically or our political systems in general—and it feels so overwhelmingly heavy to carry that.

I don’t like to list out my accomplishments, no matter how great or small, because it just ends up allowing my brain to find more reasons to hate myself. And that’s especially true during an absolutely terrible year like 2020, when a large accomplishment is having survived. What I think is much healthier is to reflect on the more positive moments that took place, the things that happened that made the year a tiny bit better. Obviously, most of these were not enough to completely cancel out every bad thing in 2020, but… they provided a little bit of joy to me, and that’s what is important to me.

This post is going to be much shorter than my usual posts, because it—unsurprisingly—was difficult to think of a multitude of memorable, positive moments from this year. But I have some other fun end of year content planned that’ll hopefully make up for it!

fae divider (2)

  • I started learning Thai! I’ve always been able to understand most Thai when spoken to me and can speak a decent amount myself, but I knew like maybe 3 letters of the Thai alphabet before this year. As of right now, I’ve learned all the consonants and am working on the much more difficult vowels!! It’s definitely difficult, particularly with the tones, but I’m taking things slowly and proud of the progress I’ve made this year.
my Thai Notion page: calendar on the left with types of practice I’ve been doing (writing, listening, video, etc.), with my monthly plans + goals on the right
  • NaNoWriMo was… surprisingly an amazing experience! I don’t think I practiced writing enough to fully satisfy myself, but I think I’d forgotten how to effectively push myself to write instead of just giving up, so NaNoWriMo was really important to me this year. And even though everything I wrote for NaNo is pretty bad, I think I’ve just ~learned~ a lot of things about my writing and style this year (and managed to hit the word count goal I’d set, 30k!).
  • And I suppose I also really enjoyed writing in general? Whether it was writing prose or poetry (which, admittedly, I did not do much of), blog posts or book reviews, or even, SOMETIMES, academic writing… there’s something very comforting to me about typing out silly little words on my silly little computer and watching my fingers spin a piece of expression out of meaningless letters. Joy in the simple things, I guess.
  • I got to visit New York City for the second time! This was pre-COVID, obviously (which makes it even more bittersweet), and it honestly feels like a fever dream. It snowed while we were there, which was nice because it melted before it could turn to slush, and I got to walk around a lot, take fun dance classes, and see some musicals—Moulin Rouge and West Side Story!! I MISS IT, and I’m glad I could have at least traveled a bit before summer came and I couldn’t go to Thailand.
Central Park with snow! lower half of the photo: ground covered in snow, bare-branched brown trees surrounding
  • Dance was also so important for me this year! After the mind-numbing exhaustion of staying home and not moving around, paired with staring at my phone/computer for school all day, dance was an opportunity for me to return to a healthy routine. And more than that, dance in general is such a freeing, healing art and form of expression for me, and I honestly don’t know how this year would have been if I had gone without it!
  • I read some pretty great books!! I think this year I accidentally became a little more critical about the books I read (the world was sad and bad and it seeped into me, you can’t blame me), but I guess that just made the good books all the better. I’ll be posting about my best books of the year soon, but—even though my average rating accidentally was lower than every previous year—I truly did enjoy a good amount of books in 2020.
not showing my best of 2020 list yet, because where’s the fun in that! but here are some other books I loved (Winterkeep, Love From A to Z, The Rise of Kyoshi, You Should See Me in a Crown, and The Bone Shard Daughter)
  • Not to be a nerd, but finding and using Notion this year has also changed my life! I hate how dramatic I sound saying that, but I truly feel like I’m a lot more organized in different parts of my life because of it. It motivates me to complete my planned tasks, keeps me on track with good habits that I’m trying to build, and, very importantly, is not the ugly google doc where I planned my blog content!
  • This is about to be sappy and absolutely disgusting but… talking to my friends was truly a highlight of 2020. I didn’t speak to irl friends super often during the Great Summer of COVID, so I found a lot of happiness with my online friends!! I think many of them know who they are, but Skye, Lauren, May, and Prag especially made my days so much more fulfilling. (Okay I’m never being nice to them ever again.)



  • Video/voice calls with my friends, especially after not having heard their voices/seen their faces in a while.
  • Watching several shows (ATLA, TLOK, She-Ra, Haikyuu!!, to name a few) with my sister.
  • Playing Among Us with my friends and sister!
  • Writing (and talking) late into the night with my friend May.
  • Reading more audiobooks and eventually coming to love them (to the shock of 2018 me).
  • This isn’t a “small” thing, but something I didn’t want to go into more detail about: My mental health staying pretty stable, surprisingly (at least, compared to last year).
  • I am allowed to say the PJO adaption news.

shall we chat

what are some of your favorite moments from 2020? no matter how big or small! any hobbies you indulged in? any good tv show recs?? (I hope you’re all having the happiest of holidays!)

blog signoff

58 thoughts on “Goodbye 2020: My Favorite Moments of This Very Terrible Year!

  1. aahhhh this post made me super happy to read, May – i’m really glad you have been able to find these joyous, love-filled moments in the chaotic year that is 2020 💕 i definitely agree with you that books & friends have been the highlights of my year. fingers crossed that 2021 will be better, and i’m sending you all my love & good vibes for the rest of this year ✨💓

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    1. ahh dezzy!! thank you, this is making me soft 🥺🥺 i hope you were able to find some happy moments in 2020 too! i’m glad that you’ve been able to find some comfort in books and friends, and i am praying with all my heart that 2021 is much better than this hell year haha. have a great end of the year!! <3

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  2. This post makes me so, so happy, May <3 I'm glad you found some moments of happines and sunshine this year and it's so wonderful to read about it. Yay for writing a lot and finding your footing into it all and dance and getting to travel before the messiness of it all. I hope the new year will be better, sending all the positive vibes and love <3

    Liked by 1 person

    1. i’m so glad the post could give you a little bit of happiness, marie 🥺💘 i’m surprised that there were a decent amount of things that weren’t all bad this year! i hope you’re able to travel more next year (safely) since i know it’s important to you!! <33


  3. Even this year had a lot of doubts and trouble I’m glad you got positives from it and this inspired me to go bigger even w my blog! My goal is make my blog as big as yours someday and what I read in this post made me think to implement more good habits into my life. Loved the post !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved this post May!! Despite all the troubles and pain that 2020 has brought, I’m glad you were still able to find joys. It’s so cool that you’re getting even more fluent with Thai, and Notion is so helpful!! I also participated in NaNoWriMo this year and while the experience was not what I expected, it was really eye opening. I’m glad you got to go to New York, it’s always a fun place to visit!! It’s so great that dance is going well for you, I admire people who can do it professionally. The Bone Shard Daughter was incredible, your book recs and reviews are so, so helpful!! And ATLA and She Ra were both beautiful shows with amazing found family. The power of friendship too! (That sounded cliche but it’s really a powerful thing 😅) I hope you have a great rest of your year!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you so much, eleanor!! i’m pleasantly surprised by how many little pockets of happiness i could find <3 congrats on participating in nano! i'm glad it was eye-opening for you, i feel the exact same way. and ahh i love to hear the respect you have for dancers, i feel like everyone always underestimates us 😭😭 thank you so much, and i'm so happy you loved atla & she-ra as well!! there's just something about kids' shows with tight-knit friend groups that hits different 🥺 i hope you have a wonderful 2021!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey loved your post! I’ve been to New York back in 2019 and hope to go back. I gave birth to my rainbow baby, albeit in lockdown. I lost so much confidence but gained it all back and more! I reconnected with friends and learned how to maintain boundaries with those whom disrespect me. I also started loving audiobooks. Became a more practiced meditator. Quit my job (finally!) and started chasing my dreams. Also started my new blog feel free to check it out.

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  6. Omg May, this post was so so so lovely to read! Last year (so funny to say that wow) sucked to say the least but I’m glad you did some fun things. Yay for Nano and going to the park. And learning Thai is SO EXCITING OMG. I really need to prioritise learning another language tbh. Sending all the love <3<3

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