#AmCurrently Update: Apparently You Want to Know What I’m Doing While Social Distancing

You all are too kind to me!! I’m boring!!!

About a week ago (time is a complete mush in my head now), I put out a link to a feedback survey that was supposed to go up on my blogiversary but didn’t because I’m a mess. And for a question about what content you want me to post, a lot of you wanted to know what’s up with my life amidst this COVID-19 social distancing nightmare!

So I’ve decided to please you all with that exact post, because 1) I am running really really low on post ideas, and 2) I’m annoying and enjoy talking about my own life!! (You know that one post on every social media platform that’s like “I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but also think I’m better than everyone else”? That’s me.)

Also, if you’d like to fill the survey out, it’s still open and I’d really appreciate it!! I love the validation, yes, but I also value your feedback, especially in terms of what content you guys are interested in. (And if you’ve already filled it out, you have my entire heart!!!)

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My school was very kind and gracious, for once in their life, and they extended spring break for another week! So it’s the end of my extended break right now, and I’m living my best life without school.

ft my COVID-19 journal!

Unfortunately, I’ll be starting “distance learning” (they really could just say online learning) on Monday. But I’m VERY happy that my classes are only from 9 to 2, with 45 min class periods and an abnormally lengthy 1.5-long hour lunch break. And I don’t have any classes on Wednesdays!!

I have to do virtual classes for dance too—we’re doing live video calls and pre-recorded videos and it’s kind of fun, despite the fact that I have zero dancing space. My spring show was supposed to happen this weekend, but we’ll be having a “filming day” for 6 hours to film all of our pieces instead. It will go terribly but that’s okay!

Other Really Exciting news:

  • I’ve been going to sleep around 3 or 4am and waking up around 12 or 1pm, and though I am getting my 8 hours, you all should still yell at me!!!
  • My mental health has been so good? I suffer when I don’t have structure/things that force me to be productive (like school), but I’m doing well besides the anxiety that everyone’s feeling!
  • I started a journal where I write entries each day about what’s going on with COVID-19! I’m giving it to my history teacher so she can create a depository for future historians to look back on because I’m a NERD like that.

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ImageI’m officially AHEAD of my Goodreads challenge, for the first time since like 2018!!! So far in March, I’ve read 21 books (out of 28 books total for the year…), which is the most I’ve ever read in a month. I’m drunk on the feeling of power and superiority (to my past self), even though 12 of the books were the 20-paged Fence comic issues. :o)

I definitely have been reading a LOT more now that I’m home and have the time. I’m still struggling to feel in the mood for most books, but at least I can push through it! Strangely, I’m not turning to happy fluffy books, like most people I know are doing—I actually reread Ari and Dante and The Song of Achilles (sobbing ensued).

some of my latest reads!

I’ve been taking advantage of the free 30-day access to Scribds collection, which has a lot of books my library doesn’t have!! I’ve been reading shorter books for my GR challenge but also because of my deteriorating attention span. But I want to use Scribd to listen to audiobooks while reading along in my physical books! It helps with previously mentioned stupid attention span.

(I’ve also been writing reviews, for once in my life!! They take me HOURS because I’m out of practice but I’m having a lot of fun being active again on Goodreads.)

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Criminal Minds, Season 7 on iTunes
they look so stupid…… I love them

Criminal Minds has been my latest obsession, and there were a few days when I would watch it the entire day from like 1 in the afternoon to 7 in the evening. It was bad. Luckily I got a life and am now doing some other things, and I save it for the end of the day!

I also watched some other things, which I totally forgot about because Criminal Minds has taken over my two brain cells, but most of them were bad so I guess my brain was courteous enough to block it from memory. I watched Love is Blind (I hate drama and I ESPECIALLY hate heterosexual drama), The Bling Ring (probably the worst movie I’ve ever seen), and Moonlight (amazing! showstopping! stunning! one of my favorites!).

this is Jessica, she’s on LiB and she’s the worst. this was my face watching the show!

I think sometime in the near future I’ll watch Portrait of a Lady on Fire, and I’ve played with the idea of watching Anne with an E, but if you have any recs please tell me!! Not saying I’ll get to them soon though because… Criminal Minds… but I will watch them eventually!

(And if you’re worried I forgot about Miraculous Ladybug, don’t be! I’ve been rewatching episodes of that too!! <3)

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At the beginning of my social distancing, I was working on the mystery/thriller WIP I had abandoned my NaNo WIP for. But then I went and reread the 10k words I wrote of my NaNo WIP and suddenly I was in love with the characters again and decided to abandon my mystery WIP, like an idiot!

NaNoWriMoI’m planning on participating in Camp NaNoWriMo with a rat (if you click on this link you will be blessed by seeing beauty and unprecedented skill). My dilemma is that I had no plot, conflict, or worldbuilding whatsoever with my NaNo WIP, so I have to do all of that now. But the good news is that because I did so little character development, I could theoretically just pluck them out of this mess and put them in another! Thank you past May for being the worst.

I also have been writing some poetry (as in one. I wrote one poem) and it wasn’t emo!!! It’s about space because I’m gay and that’s all I’m write about. Here are the only good lines!

shall we chat

what shenanigans have you been up to? are you reading and/or watching lots of netflix? will you be participating in camp nano? i hope you’ve all been staying as safe & healthy as possible!! it’s perfectly okay to do nothing in this time of crisis <33

blog signoff


78 thoughts on “#AmCurrently Update: Apparently You Want to Know What I’m Doing While Social Distancing

  1. THIS POST IS SO CUTE!! glad you’re reading so many great books! yes yes go youu!!
    my self-isolation time has been going better than i expected. though i wished i could go back to normal life at the beginning, i’m taking my time now studying, reading, blogging more than usual, and discovering new hobbies. i do hope that the pandemic doesn’t last long though.
    i’ve been reading a lot of great books lately! which makes me! super! happy! i am so excited to read some more books in my TBR! also made a list of all the things i want to do in the near future (because i am like that), and posted it on my blog just to remind myself that I NEED TO DO THAT. but i also should not overwork myself, i know
    anyway, this has been a lot of rambling, sorry for this very long comment. i hope you have a great time!! read great books! and fuck anxiety!!!!! IN HER FACE!!!!!

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    1. THANK YOU MAHA!! 🥺💕

      i’m really glad to hear social distancing is going well for you!! i think having time to just wind down is really nice, though the reason behind it is terrible and i also hope it ends soon.

      i’m super happy that you’ve been reading a lot of good books! and omg i’ve made a list of things i want to do soon too (just mentally) — and i’m glad you recognize that you shouldn’t overwork yourself!! you deserve all the best things, and that includes a balance of work and relaxing 😎💗

      NEVER APOLOGIZE!! i love talking to you and i hope you’ll continue to thrive during this time!! 💞

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  2. Okay it looks like you’ve actually been having quite a good time so I’m really happy for you <3 ah man my school isn't even that organised with online stuff like they pushed our holidays forward to starting today but it looks like we'll be having one class a week instead of four, which is really fine with me but also means that I'll have to use the rest of the time to do work :/ and yes you go, being ahead on your goodreads challenge!

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    1. ahh thank you so much cas! i really have been having a good time surprisingly. and i’m glad you won’t have all of your classes in a week, but i’m sorry that you’ll have more work! it’s also kind of the same for us — though if i’m being honest i don’t really understand my school’s schedule lmao. i hope you’ve been doing well!! 💗

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  3. hah our school’s calling it ‘remote learning’ for some reason to overcomplicate stuff like just say it as it is?! I’m glad your mental health’s been doing good and I’m glad you’re enjoying writing reviews again! stay safe! 💛

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  4. Ah, I’m considering catching up with Criminal Minds now that it is finished. I think I’m around season 10? It is so addicting though, I get you. On my end, I’ve been watching Critical Role all day long, but since it’s 4-hour episodes, it’s hard to actually move forward.

    Also, I definitely recommend Anne with an E, it’s the most wholesome show!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. i’m 100% biased at this point but YES keep watching it! it really is so addicting haha. and omg… i could never watch 4-hour eps, props to you <3 (and thank you for the rec! more and more people have been exciting me about anne with an e so i definitely think i'll watch it next)

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  5. ok i seriously love your am currently updates though!! please do more because it’s so fun to read about you talking about your life?? 🥺 (i promise i’m not a stalker.) lol this social distancing thing has been amazing for my extreme introverted self. lately, i’ve been watching k-dramas, listening to k-drama OSTs, etc. instead of reading or blogging though :”) what can i say? i’m trash. but honestly, k-dramas are a welcome distraction at the moment because most are very happy & lovely and that’s what i need right now

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    1. aww, CAITLIN!!! it makes me actually really happy to hear that you enjoy my am currently updates, i feel like i just keep talking forever 🥺💛 and yes, i’m enjoying my social distancing! i think i’d like to be able to go out with my friends like once but for the most part i’m having a great time. and aahh i’ve never watched a k-drama but i’m really glad you’re enjoying them and that they’re giving you the happiness/distraction you need! <3

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  6. Aw May, I know exactly what you mean about that social media meme about hating myself and thinking I’m better than everyone 😅 I officially decided I’m only really posting on my blog about wrap-ups after realizing that’s the one thing I’m most passionate about talking about because 🗣MAJORITY OF IT IS ABOUT ME. So, yeah. Aaanyway, I hope e-learning has been going smoothly for you–it has not for me. I am drowning in papers and outlines for papers and pre-drafts for papers and I’m trying to remember why I wanted to be an English major again. Lol, I hope the filming goes better for you and you watch something that isn’t Love is Blind! Because I’ve heard a lot about it and it does not sound all that good!

    P.S. I’m also horrible at watching things and I’ve only watched one (1) movie since social distancing requirements were enacted. One (1) movie. It was Knives Out, but still. Yikes.

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    1. haha, good for you for deciding what you want to post on your blog 😎 and i personally really enjoy reading wrap-ups!! i actually love online learning at my school right now, but i’m really sorry to hear your online learning is going badly for you — i hope your amount of work and stress goes down soon <3 and yes i will DEFINITELY not be watching anything like love is blind any time soon :o)

      OKAY but knives out is Superior so!!!!


  7. HI! I’m so late on this but let’s start a Jessica and Barnett from Love is Blind hate club together (i’m watching it with a bunch of college friends and we’re only on like episode five but oh boy do we have opinions). also, I’m so glad your mental health is doing okay <3 <3

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  8. The COVID-19 journal is a very nice idea! Such kind of thing will be very useful when the future generations want to learn what happened in 2020 and how people survive the pandemic. Kinda like Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl.

    (I enjoy drama but I also dislike heterosexual drama. I will only watch it if it has no love storyline or if it’s soooo minor that it can get overshadowed by other things in the drama.)

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    1. ah i ended up discontinuing the journal because i’m lazy and all my entries were saying the same thing 😭😭 but it’d definitely be interesting to read about some of other people’s experiences!!

      and honestly i think i would’ve loved that show (or any dating show like that) if it were gay… one day, one day :((

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  9. Ahh I understand that. If I ever write one, I’d end up talking about the same thing too 😅 There’s nothing much happening in my life. And yup, other people’s experiences might be different from us so it’s gonna be interesting to read theirs.

    One day… Yes, one day *aggressively wishing*

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