The 20 Questions Book Tag: Answering Questions All About Reading and Opinions and Dog-Earing (aka a Sin)

This must be an alternate universe where I actually do tags?

Or it’s just a universe where I have no inspiration for blog posts and do tags because I’m too lazy to think. Both are equally plausible.

(Also?? This was a post actually finished before the day I posted it??? And it’s impossibly, unbelievably scheduled????* wHo Am I?????)

Anyways, I felt in the mood to answer some questions so I decided to do a book tag I’ve been recently tagged in by the wonderful Swetlana @ The Caffeinated Bookworm Life, whose post you should definitely check out!!

*Update from future May: The post was scheduled… without any formatting, book covers, or a featured image. Of course.

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1. how many books are too many books in a book series?

Depends? I’m always a fan of trilogies and duologies, and not really more than that. I’m WAY too exhausted and lazy to read more than five books in a series. FIVE IS ALREADY A LOT.

(Currently staring at The Mortal Instruments and Throne of Glass.)

But I mean… if Six of Crows decided to expand into a few more books… I wouldn’t complain…

Image result for the mortal instruments  Image result for throne of glass  series covers

(yes I’m aware there’s a seventh book in ToG and more coming leave me alone looking at all these covers makes me feel overwhelmed enough)

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2. how do you feel about cliffhangers?

A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic, #2)A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic, #3)Like Swetlana said, if it’s a cliffhanger in a series of books, and I have access to the next book (like I did with A Gathering of Shadows and A Conjuring of Light), then it’s not much of a problem?

But if it’s something like, Six of Crows, where I had to wait a whole year to know what happened next, IT’S AGONY.

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3. hardback or paperback?

I’m honestly fine with both? I always take off the dust jackets of owned hardcovers and then the hardbound thing (I have excellent vocabulary) gets kind of destroyed. But then paperbacks are also sometimes really flimsy?? But paperbacks are cheap. But hardcovers look nicer.


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4. favorite book?

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
Okay so OBVIOUSLY this is a difficult question because I love so many books, but if I had to choose just one book to read for the rest of my life, it would be Six of Crows. I love it so much. I love the characters so much. I love the story so much. It’s everything to me. I sob just thinking about it and how much I want to reread it every single day.

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5. least favorite book?

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)

I don’t think I really have a least favorite book? Just a lot that I don’t like and/or hate. Shatter Me definitely falls on the extreme end of my dislike (aka hate) though. And I have a lot of books that I will NEVER EVER be reading but I’m not sure if they count as least favorites since I haven’t read them?

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6. love triangles, yes or no?

Honestly, I’m just tired with the type of love triangles YA tends to have? It tends to gravitate towards:

  • two boys fighting over a girl and the girl ends up really angsty and dramatic
  • two girls fighting over a boy, which results in girl hate
  • multi-gender attracted people being in love triangles, which can happen irl but it’s just a harmful stereotype if done wrong… and it’s rarely done right

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7. the most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

We Now Return to Regular Life

I think I read about 40 pages of We Now Return to Regular Life before giving up, earlier this year. I just wasn’t feeling it? There was nothing really wrong with it, but I just wasn’t interested.

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8. a book you’re currently reading?

Well, I’ve read about 40 to 50 pages of each Girls of Paper and Fire and Obsidio, but today I started rereading The Lightning Thief and am more than a third of the way through it.


I’m 4 books behind my Goodreads challenge and I can’t find the time or motivation to read, EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO. But also, school is getting out soon (THIS FRIDAY THIS FRIDAY THIS FRIDAY), so I plan on reading a lot of books during summer break!!

(But I’m lowkey crying as I read The Lightning Thief because I love this book so much I love these characters so much I’m reliving my childhood in this very moment,,,)

Girls of Paper and Fire  Obsidio (The Illuminae Files, #3)  The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)

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9. last book you recommended to someone?

Nice Try, Jane Sinner
I honestly don’t remember? Maybe Nice Try, Jane Sinner, to a friend with depression. I think it has honestly the best depression rep I’ve read before (except it might be tied with We Are the Ants, which I forgot most of). I related so much to the whole “not wanting to DIE but just wanting to stop existing for a moment” thing that it hurt.

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10. oldest book you’ve read? (publication date)

To Kill a MockingbirdProbably To Kill a Mockingbird. I’m way too tired to look up the release date but I think it was like 1960 or something???

(5-seconds-later-update: I looked it up because I just HAVE to know if I was right. I was. Of course.)

But yeah!!! That’s the oldest book I’ve read. To be frank, I don’t really want to read any old books, because I’m just not interested in classics and/or old books. And I’m a firm believer that a lot of old classics, while… classic (??? that’s why they’re called classics May ???), carry a lot of problematic aspects, having been written in the past when a lot of things socially accepted at the time are now considered problematic.

(But I mean, everything we consume is problematic. Except for maybe mangoes.)

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11. newest book you’ve read? (publication date)

Girl Made of Stars

I read Girl Made of Stars (MY! FAV! OF! 2018!) by Ashley Herring Blake, which came out Tuesday, May 15! Do yourself a favor and GET YOUR HANDS ON IT. It’s my favorite book of 2018 and I absolutely adore it. I love it. I cried. I reread it two days after I first finished it. I’ve screamed about it a lot and I won’t stop.

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12. favorite author?

I have a list, since I truly can’t choose one!

  • Marie Lu: I love her books and she’s just a genuinely amazing person
  • Anna-Marie McLemore: her books are MAGICAL and GORGEOUS
  • Victoria Schwab: she destroys all my feelings but it’s okay I still love her kind of
  • Rick Riordan: I’m nostalgic about the author of my childhood favorite books

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13. buying books or borrowing books?

I WANT to be able to buy books because I get to own them and put them on my shelf and take pretty pictures of them. But I have to rely on borrowing books since I’m very broke, though I am VERY privileged to have an awesome library physical and online selection.

(Except SOMETIMES my library tells me books are AVAILABLE for me to PICK UP but when I go to the library it’s not THERE and I have to get on the waiting list AGAIN and I get the book A WHOLE MONTH after I was SUPPOSED to get it. I’m talking about Obsidio, by the way, which I got a few days ago. A month after the library told me it was available for me to check out.)

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14. a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?

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  • Shatter Me // I think there’s an equal amount of haters and lovers but I still count it. this was cringy and a pain to get through and no one can convince me otherwise
  • And I Darken // literally all of my friends love this book and here I am hating on it. look it’s not my fault it’s the epitome of all things boring
  • A Monster Calls // this book touches on a lot of personal things (mom with cancer) but it just didn’t work for me. mostly everybody loved it and I literally CANNOT figure out why I didn’t
  • History is All You Left Me // again, very uncertain why I didn’t love this? it was just WEIRD and I generally don’t like sex as a revenge tactic
  • Daughter of the Burning City // confusing, boring, didn’t care about any of the characters, and also quite predictable. I tell no lies

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)  A Monster Calls  History Is All You Left Me  Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody  And I Darken (The Conqueror's Saga, #1)

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15. bookmarks or dog-ears?


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16. a book you can always reread?

  • Six of Crows, my forever fav that will always make me internally cry over how much I love these characters (and whenever I talk about Six of Crows, I talk about its equally amazing sequel, Crooked Kingdom)
  • The Lightning Thief, because it brings so much nostalgia from my childhood and I just LOVE these characters (it’s not a coincidence that I’m currently rereading it)
  • Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, because it means so much to me and is hilarious and is SO. EXTREMELY. CUTE

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)  The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)  Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (Creekwood, #1)

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17. can you read while hearing music?

Yes, I can! Sometimes I can’t stand silence, and I need SOME kind of noise in the background. I know a lot of times people are distracted by music, but honestly I’ve learned to tune it out but still have it playing in the background of my mind if that makes sense????

(I’m playing music right now as I work on this blog post.)

Also recently, music has been something really comforting to me, and it distracts me from bad thoughts!!! And I just really love music in general!!!!

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18. one POV or multiple POVs?


I can KIND OF understand why multiple can be a little confusing? But I am such a character-loving reader that I love getting into all these different character’s heads and seeing their different thoughts. Like Six of Crows? Absolute magic. I’m trash for it.

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19. do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

Oh my god I WISH I could read books in one sitting!! Imagine sitting down and then finishing a book three hours later???? HOW.

I honestly? don’t have a lot of time at the moment (or… ever), and multiple days is how I get reading done. Sometimes I can’t read one day and then it takes even longer, or sometimes I’m slumping (like I am now) and it takes me a whole week to finish a book.

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20. who do you tag?

Here are the copy-and-paste-able questions! (Made small because there are just SO MANY and I am annoyed by it.)

1. how many books are too many books in a book series?
2. how do you feel about cliffhangers?
3. hardback or paperback?
4. favorite book?
5. least favorite book?
6. love triangles, yes or no?
7. the most recent book you just couldn’t finish?
8. a book you’re currently reading?
9. last book you recommended to someone?
10. oldest book you’ve read? (publication date)
11. newest book you’ve read? (publication date)
12. favorite author?
13. buying books or borrowing books?
14. a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?
15. bookmarks or dog-ears?
16. a book you can always reread?
17. can you read while hearing music?
18. one POV or multiple POVs?
19. do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?
20. who do you tag?

shall we chat

what do you do when you lack inspiration for posts? ANY BLOG POST REQUESTS FOR ME? do you dog-ear? (if you do, we are no longer friends) can you listen to music while reading or no? and what are you currently reading?? tell me everything!!!

p.s. I have been the WORST at commenting on posts and replying to comments, but I’m super super busy and dealing with a few bad-mental-health-comebacks. I GENUINELY promise this time to be more active as soon as school ends!!! thanks for you support as always, lovelies

blog signoff

36 thoughts on “The 20 Questions Book Tag: Answering Questions All About Reading and Opinions and Dog-Earing (aka a Sin)

  1. thank you so much for the tag!!! even though i’ll maybe never do it b/c i’m intimidated by how good your post is. HOW ARE YOU THIS CUTE AND FUN AND AMUSING AND ALSO HAVE SUCH A PRETTY BLOG INTERFACE


  2. You’ve gotten so many tags lately! YAY! and dog-earing is the WORST! And I just cannot listen to music while I read, though I listen to lots of music while I write. I wish I could listen to music while I read because I would feel like the Queen of multi-tasking.
    Hmm…blog post requests. I don’t know, this is hard. Maybe a post about about “If you were a main character in a book” what would it look like? Like aesthetics, and genre and tropes a book about you would have. Does that make any sense? I’ve never seen a post like that and I think it could be cool and funny!

    And school is almost done! You’ve got this! Hope your health stays strong as you finish up the school year!


  3. Ahhh thank you so much for the tag, May!! <3 (Why didn't I get a pingback??)

    I feel like I agree with so many of your answers that I should just copy and paste your blog post, to be honest. Also, how are you adorable and sassy and entertaining and cute all at the same time, teach me, pls.

    Sending you lots of hugs & good vibes. 💞


  4. I loved reading this post!! And I also loved your featured image (is that your bookshelf in the background, because of if so 😍)!! Ahh so much love for the Lightening Thief. <3 I also love multiple POVs, it's just so cool to see what everyone is thinking. I can't think of an example where this happened, but I think it'd be really cool to have two POVs in a book, the protagonist and antagonist.
    Yay for your school getting out tomorrow! Mine ends June 1, but we have a four day weekend this weekend and then have to go back for three and a half days…? I don't really get it either. 😂Anyways, great post, and I hope you're doing well, May!


  5. GREETING, BENEVOLENT MANGO QUEEN!!! It hath(???) been too long!!

    Omg!! You didn’t like a monster calls too!! I’m SURE that I already knew this but just let me flail in happiness for a moment!!! Akdalnfskjegbkseg !!!kdfjgbkrsugb!!! dflbnse’AF;AWMF;M!! I couldn’t cry!! i dont know why,,, it just,,, didn’t PUNCH ME IN THE GUT and make me TOPPLE BACKWARDS like i hoped!! you know????????????????????


    Sorrrryyy im v vv vv excited bc this is the first post that ive read/am commenting on for like,,,, a bajillion years and IM EXCITE AND JUST.TRY.STOP.ME.OH.WAIT.YOU.CANT.CONTAIN.THIS.EXCITE.,, AND I just RELATE.

    Omg the sorcery that was the SoC pov!!!! Let us cherish that for a moment.

    [moment ii]

    I may (harhar) have to steal this tag from you BECAUSE I HAVE NO INSPIRATION FOR A POST BUT AM DYING TO POST SOMETHING!!


  6. I feel like too many books in a book series is when it reaches double digits but I will probably still read it anyways because I love series 🙃 Personally I love long series so I can’t relate. Cliffhangers are agony but I love it. Apparently I love feeling pain. But when it’s consecutive, it just helps me pick up the next book. I also love both but I’m leaning towards hardcovers because they look nicer. Also I still haven’t read Six of Crows I probably need to read it soon. There are just so many good books out there. Love triangles are ehh. I don’t absolutely hate it. Just don’t make it super cringy please. (but they usually are so 🙃) I also really need to get to Percy Jackson and I have to finish Illuminae! Help me I’m going to drown in my TBR! I want to read Girl Made of Stars and Nice Try, Jane Sinner! They both sound like something I would enjoy! I’m interested to see if I would like To Kill a Mockingbird but it’s a classic and I feel the same way about classics as you do. Leigh Bardugo is queen and I can’t believe I didn’t appreciate it when I met her ugh. I met Marie Lu and I still have to read the rest of her books! I only read Warcross! I love Victoria Schwab even though I only read This Savage Song! I want to read the rest of her books! I need to get into Anne Marie McLemore soon because I heard her books are amazing! I am grateful enough to have the money to buy books but I occasionally borrow from my friends and the library. WHO DOG EARS ANYMORE! MONSTERS!! YES SIMON IS MY BAE! I WILL LOVE SIMON FOREVER! That book always just makes me so happy. I cannot read while hearing music. I will definitely get distracted. I personally don’t care if the book has multiple POVs or just one. As long as it’s good. And I used to read in one sitting when I had all the time in the world! But I don’t anymore. Sadness… But I still love reading! Great post!


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