Goodbye 2018: Things I Accomplished (and Also Unfortunately Didn’t) This Year!

Hi, I’m May and sometimes my self-worth depends on my productivity. 

I love opening up posts with lines that are way too personal!!!

Okay, but I’m like actually 100% serious about this. I know it’s bad and it’s a really destructive mindset to have but I’m working on it!!

Today, as a part of me attempting to improve, I’m writing a completely unbiased post about what I have and haven’t been able to accomplish this year. I’m not judging myself for what I couldn’t do, because I deserve to be good to myself!

(Also this is another short post?? Who am I??? Where did over-1k-word-blog-post May go??)

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  • Being less stressed over grades! This mostly started happening near the end of the year, but it’s such a big accomplishment because I’ve always been a huge worrier over grades. And now I’ve finally been able to let it go if I don’t get a Perfect Score because that is! next to impossible!
  • Reading books I enjoyed! Like I talked about, I’ve rated books a lot more highly this year than before, and I truly think it boils down to me just getting better at picking out books I think I’ll like. Which has just led me to have an overall better reading experience (even if I’m struggling to hit 100 books for the year!).
  • Also, reading more webcomics? This is for the end of the year (November and December) because I’m rushing to finish my Goodreads challenge, but I’m SO glad I got into a webcomic kick because there are so many good ones—On a Sunbeam is actually a favorite book of the year for me!—and I’m excited to read more in 2019!

  • Writing things I’m really proud of! Usually whenever I write stuff, I end up not liking it later, which I’m sure other people can relate to. But this year I’ve actually written stuff that I’ve stayed proud of and I’m really happy about that!
  • Writing almost 25K of my WIP! While I didn’t actually reach the set NaNoWriMo goal, I’m proud of myself for writing as much as I did, and I feel like I could really go somewhere with this WIP. This is definitely a source of pride for me and I’m happy about it (since it’s hard for me to feel proud about my writing a lot).
  • Starting a bookstagram! I’ve always loved the idea of taking pictures of books, and I’m really glad I started a bookstagram this year because I love taking photos and feeling proud of how they turn out.

  • Becoming closer to/made more friends!This year I feel like I really made a lot of new friends online by pushing myself to really branch out and interact (at least on social media oops). And while I haven’t really made any new friends irl, I’ve grown closer to a lot of my existing friends and I’m proud of myself.
  • Hitting 1.5K followers on my blog! This was one of my goals for 2018 and I really didn’t think I’d make it, considering how poorly I’ve been at blogging this year, so I’m really proud of this!

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  • Participating in more self-care. I mean, I kind of did it, but when it was at the point that I actually truly NEEDED it after I hadn’t taken care of myself. I feel like I’d practiced self-care more often, things wouldn’t have gotten to the point that they had. (This includes getting enough sleep or water, doing things for myself/my happiness, and skincare.)
  • Writing book reviews. I probably have like 60 book reviews that I need to write? I’m probably not ever going to write those reviews (except for…overdue ARC ones) because 1) lack of time and 2) lack of memory, but I’m kinda sad about it since I miss writing them
  • Actually… being a good blogger? Hi yes, you all know this but this year I just sucked at interacting and actually being a blogger besides posting stuff! And I hate it so much, but I’ve already beat myself up about it so I won’t say anything else about it other than the fact that I plan to actively change this in 2019.


  • Managing time and stress. I think I’m always going to have this problem but I thought in 2018 I’d be a lot better at it?? (What a nice, oblivious time that was.) There are so many times where I could have NOT procrastinated and saved myself a lot of stress, but I didn’t. Really truly going to try and fix that in 2019… at least at first??
  • Watching the TV shows I wanted to. I’m writing this the night before I go on a road trip when I might watch The Good Place, but I’m sad because the only show I got to watch that I’ve been wanting to watch was Brooklyn 99. Which was an excellent choice, but I want to watch more!!
  • Branching out in music. I mean, listening to Brockhampton was a pretty big branching out since I almost never listen to hip hop/rap. But I feel like most of my listening is resorted to one artist for a month (or more than a month, in Brockhampton’s case), which limited how much music I really listened to.

shall we chat

what are some things you accomplished this year? do you have any music/tv show recs for me? what are some standout books you read? if you have a bookstagram, feel free to link it to me!!

blog signoff

18 thoughts on “Goodbye 2018: Things I Accomplished (and Also Unfortunately Didn’t) This Year!

  1. I’m glad you didn’t stress out too much about grades, and tbh chances are you’e being harder on yourself about the stuff you didn’t accomplish. I DID stress about grades and studying…alot. but I also made new friends, started communicating with people in my life more, and ate (somewhat) healthy. I hope the new year brings good things your ways!


  2. ok i’m a musical theatre nerd so yes i have music recommendations but most of them are people singing about their fictional lives so hopefully that’s okay??? Be More Chill is my life, but trigger warnings for mentions of suicide & self harm, sex and intimacy, negative self-talk/negative thoughts, panic attacks, fire, alcohol, mentions of drugs, homophobia, and friendship breakups. it’s kind of a lot so stay safe!!!!! in terms of non-musical theatre music, I rlly love a fine frenzy. she’s chill and kinda melancholy, but more so contemplative and almost mischievous simultaneously??? marina and the diamonds is an icon, love her, and baby, her new release, is an anthem!!! you have so many things to be proud of in 2018. here’s to making 20BiTeen our year!!! 💛


  3. Honestly, you gushing about webcomics makes me want to read them. They all sound really cute and heart-warming but I don’t know, maybe I’ve been fooled and they’re heartbreaking and make you cry. Also, I think I’m going to delete my bookstagram because I never use it + it’s really ugly and I’m not happy with it. I’ll probably like keep my account to stalk other people and stuff, but not post on the account and delete all my photos(?) BUT YOUR BOOKSTAGRAM is gorgeous, your theme is so soft and pretty!! And like, i love it. Honestly, being proud of your writing is so hard but I’m so proud of you writing amazing things and liking them yourself and being proud over them, that’s so amazing!! And OOPS, I relate SO HARD to managing time and stress. I feel like I procrastinate so much and then PANIC when I realise how much I have to do??? UGH. I really want to change this in the next year!!

    I’m loving this series, and I miss your long posts, but also you do you and don’t stress. I hope your 2019 is filled with good vibes and happiness <3

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You accomplished so much this year, May, and I’m so proud of you!! 💞 I started caring less about grades this year, too, but it was because of senioritis, whoops. 😂 I really hope you’ll participate in more self-care in 2019 (I need to do so too, lmao), because you deserve it.

    I love your Bookstagram so much, and I’m so excited to see it grow! Every single one of your pictures are gorgeous 😍 And YES, Brooklyn 99!! 💙 And I love The Good Place as well; it’s both hilarious and thought-provoking – I hope you’ll love it too. Wonderful post as always, May! I hope you’re having a great holiday season!


  5. Because of you I now want to read so many books and webcomics. Because of you, I figured something out (you know. THAT.). Because of you I am where I am right now in the blogging world and in my real life. You are such an inspiration to me May and I hope you know that. Sending so much love and hugs your way 💜💜💜 and thinking of you for 2019.
    Rhi xxx


  6. I’m with you on picking books a little more carefully to ensure you get ones that suit you! I’ve been doing that more this year and it definitely showed with waaay more 4 stars *flails* And hey good on you with ticking off so many really good things. Less stress is also very great. Self care…who is this. (KIDDING…but seriously that is a hard one good luck. *awkward flail*)


  7. It seems to me like you accomplished a lot! Good for you for figuring out your instagram aesthetic so fast! I’d like to experiment with instagram more but want to change my aesthetic every week lol


  8. Congratulations on your accomplishments, especially getting to 1.5k followers! That’s awesome! A lot of things we want to do are easier said than done, but I’m sure you’ll have a lot more things to tick off your list come next year. Don’t be too hard on yourself 😉 and I hope you had an awesome holiday! 😁


  9. Congrats on all the things you accomplished! Writing a lot is a wonderful accomplishment! And On a Sunbeam was easily my favorite graphic novel of the year 😊 And for the things you didn’t get to – that’s what next year is for, right?


  10. I’m glad you accomplished some really cool things and there’s always 2019 for everything you didn’t accomplish; in fact I’m pretty similar with what I didn’t accomplish, funnily enough. I took a break from bookstagram in 2018 because it stressed me out and I never felt good enough, but I’m thinking of returning in 2019 and have recently reactivated my account (@dreamreveries). I have far too many tv show recs haha (which most people seem to not like but ah well), I wholly endorse b99 but also the blacklist, suits, homeland, prison break, and many more. Here’s to 2019, I’m sure you have an amazing year ahead of you <3


  11. Ahh the self-worth and productivity thing is WAY too relatable *hides*. Good job on surviving 2018! My blogging habits fell by the wayside, especially commenting on other people’s blogs, BUT I don’t really care because I survived my first year of university and made great friends and did lots of cool adventures. It sounds like you’ve done lots! Im trying to get better at not beating myself up for not being productive :D


  12. Yes hello so I feel like you’re talking about me with that opening line to your post, thank you very much for that. You’re not alone in this May, you are not alone at all. <3
    Honestly, I think you did amazing this year and accomplished SO much, I'm so proud of you! Self-care is most likely one of the hardest things to accomplish, at times. I hope that 2019 will be amazing and that you'll manage to take care of yourself more and more because you come first and you deserve it all <3 <3 Sending you all the love <3


  13. Your bookstagram photos are always so fantastic! And congrats on writing 25k!!! I can totally relate to wanting to watch more of my fav tv shows. I really want to start watching Brooklyn 99 and finish Madame Secretary. It just takes time! Away from reading!
    Congrats for all you did accomplish!!!


  14. I think being good to yourself, even when talking about the things you couldn’t accomplish, is very important. I know I’m certainly not that good to myself most of the time, and that’s definitely something I hope to improve for the new year.
    I think you accomplished a lot of amazing things, especially writing things you are proud of as well hitting 1.5k followers. That’s amazing!
    Do you have any posts with webcomic recommendations? I really want to start reading more of them, and would love to know which ones you liked and which you feel like are not worth my time.
    Hope you have an amazing end of the year, May! ☀️


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