May’s Moments of the Month: April // Studying Took Over Everything

I disappeared yet again… what a surprise! 

I can’t say I didn’t expect this to happen, especially since at the beginning of the year I was like, “There are going to be lots of big upcoming life events this year that will make me less active.” But after I planned out my posts months ahead, I was really hopeful that I would be able to maintain some activity throughout the busier parts!

Clearly, that didn’t happen. I would say I’m sorry, but I’m trying not to apologize for doing things that I needed to do. I disappeared because of exams that I had to study for, and doing that sucked up all my energy and I barely did anything substantial throughout the month.

mmm reading

I read 4 books, and I’m blaming that low amount on the fact that I was using all my brainpower on studying! Audiobooks are truly saving me, though, since I think I genuinely would’ve only read 2 books if not for them. I’ve started listening to them while driving (I didn’t want to do it before when I was still new and needed a bit more driving experience), and I love it!

I have to say, though, with most of my reads this year (and last) being adult, I’m starting to miss YA! I think it’s because they’re generally easier to read, and I’ve been having so much trouble reading that I want that kind of easiness back… I’m not sure if this will influence what I read in the next few months, especially since I don’t ever see myself shifting back to reading so much YA, but it’ll be interesting to see what happens!

The Death of Vivek Oji: A Novel: Emezi, Akwaeke: 9780525541608:  Books  Amazon - The Mountains Sing: Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai: 9781616208189: Books  A Mind Spread Out on the Ground: 9780385692380: Books -  Things We Lost in the Fire: Stories: Enriquez, Mariana: 9780451495112: Books:

  • The Death of Vivek Oji Akwaeke Emezi // I have no idea how to feel about this, because it would have been so much more beautiful and heartbreaking… if not for the unchallenged incest!?? very surprised not to hear many people talk about it having incest [no rating]
  • The Mountains Sing Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai // an absolutely heartwrenching book, but still managing to be hopeful! so well-written, and I really loved the audiobook too ★★★★☆
  • A Mind Spread Out on the Ground Alicia Ellliott // I adored this! many essays were thought-provoking and gave me a lot of interesting subjects to look further into, and overall I liked the mix of general essay/commentary mixed with personal sections [no rating]
  • Things We Lost in the Fire Mariana Enríquez // I loved the realism of the horror in these stories. connections to things like corruption only made it creepier ★★★★☆ [3.5]

mmm blogging


Unfortunately, my blogging plans were completely swept aside because of my studying for exams. I should have a lot more free time now that my upcoming exams aren’t as study-intensive, and I don’t have to attend classes anymore! I’m hoping to pre-write some posts to go up in June while I’m on vacation, but we’ll see how that goes.


mar 22 (1)  books cry  may tbr 22

mmm writing

I did absolutely no writing… <3

mmm life

Well… most of the month I spent studying for my exams, so I didn’t get the chance to do much else! And even then, it wasn’t like I was studying whenever I had free time because 1) I gave up at one point and resigned myself to not great but good enough scores for certain exams, and 2) my brain did not have the stamina nor the attention span!!! But it felt like all my physical and mental energy was dedicated to exams, resulting in me unable to do much else.

One thing I did do, though, was perform in my dance show, and it was truly the best feeling ever to be back on the stage for the first time in three years! I could write a love letter to dance and how much it means to me, but there’s something extra special about performing that I can never describe. Waiting in the wings, quick costume changes, stage lights shining in your eyes… I love it all, and I’m so happy I got to experience it again after so long.


  • I didn’t get the chance to watch a lot of stuff, but I’ve been watching some SVU! (I have absolutely no idea what season I’m on since I just watch whatever episodes are streamed on TV…)
  • I’ve been listening to mainly The Happy Fits still. Once I really like an artist, I’ll only listen to them for months, which is where I’m at right now. But some Thai music has made it back into my daily listening, and I’m hoping to find some more Thai artists to listen to before I travel to Thailand!

mmm looking ahead

Exams… Since I’m so late in getting this up, I’ve already taken half of my 14 total exams. (Yes. 14.) And honestly, they went better than I expected! The ones I took were pretty much my only study-intensive exams, which was terrible because it meant I had to cram all my studying but is nice now that it’s over with. My upcoming exams will still be difficult, but there isn’t much I can do prepare for most of them, so it’s a huge relief!

End of school!! I couldn’t be more excited for the end of the school year, even though it’ll be a bit bittersweet since I’m graduating… It feels unreal that I’m here already, and that I have a whole new path open ahead of me, but I’m excited to see what it brings me :]

Last dance show. This month will be full of many big moments for me, and one of those is definitely the fact that this will be my last time on the stage with the studio I’ve been at for over 10 years. It’s going to be exhausting (performing in 5 shows in 1 day), but it’ll be fun and emotion-filled and I can’t wait!

Finally going back to Thailand! Technically, when I land in Thailand it’ll be June, but I’m leaving at the end of May so I’m counting it. I was supposed to visit 2 years ago before COVID hit, so I’m really looking forward to seeing my family again after so long, along with eating lots of good food and doing other fun things in Bangkok! (If you’re interested in seeing some updates on what I’m doing, I think I’ll post some stuff on social media, though I’ll do a recap here too.)

shall we chat

how was your month? how were/are exams for all the students? any fun summer plans for Northern hemisphere people? and what was your favorite book of the month?

blog signoff

20 thoughts on “May’s Moments of the Month: April // Studying Took Over Everything

  1. Sorry to hear that things have been hectic, I hope your exams went well! 💕 Best of luck with your upcoming ones 🍀 I hope you’ll have a good time in Thailand! I’m currently doing my internship, but it’s going pretty well – it is nice not having to study for anything 😄

    Liked by 2 people

  2. May! I’m always happy to see your posts pop up, but at the same time, I 100% agree that you do not need to apologize for being busy and not being able/not having the energy to post. Sometimes life will just be like that. I do, however, hope that your exams went well and YAS for your dance performance bringing you joy!! That is so awesome.
    I’ve read a ridiculous amount (for my usual standards) in April, but have noticed myself gravitate more towards adult than YA as well. I tried some YA books, but even though they were easier to read, they didn’t hit the same notes as they used to. I don’t know if I’ve grown out of it, but if you’re feeling like it, I definitely think you should read some again! We need a couple of easier reads every now and then <3
    Hope the remaining exams and everything will go well and that everything goes according to plan, so you can go to Thailand in June!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ahh i’m so sorry for being late replying to this, but i read your comment when i first saw it and it really meant a lot to me 🥲💓 thank you so so much! my exams did go well <3

      i'm so happy that you were able to read a lot ahh, i love that we're both figuring out our new reading tastes hehe. i feel like ya might be like that for me too—easier to read but not necessarily appealing to me in the same way it once was. but sometimes that easy read is what we need, you're right!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hope your exams went well and I’m so excited for you to visit your family again! I have my eye on The Mountains Sing so the minute it becomes available at my library I’ll have to pick it up! Hope your May goes splendidly and that you’ll be able to take some time for yourself to recharge! <3

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ahhh please forgive my lateness but… thank you so much! my exams did go well <3 i hope you enjoy(ed?) the mountains sing, it truly was a masterpiece! thank you so much, i hope you've been having some lovely months of summer so far <3


  4. The part you wrote about performing made my heart so happy. I’m so, so glad you got to perform again! It truly is a feeling like no other. I stopped dancing last year after I graduated, and a piece of my heart will always belong to the feeling of being onstage. So happy you got to experience it again after so long without it!💗

    Good luck with your exams this month! I hope everything finishes out and you get more time to relax, read, and breathe. Also, I hope you have absolutely the best trip to Thailand!! Wishing you all the best in May <33

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ahh i’m so late replying to this but… it makes me very happy that you also understand the performance feeling! it’s so surreal, if you don’t dance there’s no way to describe it but it’s one of the best feelings in the world ahh <3

      and thank you so much! my exams and trip in thailand did go well <3 i hope you've been having a lovely summer so far! and it's so nice to see you again in the blogging world 💓

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope you do well in your remaining exams! It’s great that you got to perform on stage again, I’m so happy for you <3 Good luck on your upcoming performance, I hope everything goes great! Have fun on your trip to Thailand!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I too have been watching (or well rewatching SVU), I swear whenever I don’t know what else to watch or I’m not in the mood to pay attention to anything, I’ll just pull up Hulu and throw on a random SVU season to play in the background. I’ve seen the show so many times and constantly rewatch, so it’s kind of a comfort for me. With summer coming, I hope to be spending a lot of time lounging out by the pool when I’m not at work….

    I hope you do well on the rest of your exams! and get some rest as well!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. ahh i’m so sorry for my lateness but omg i’m the same way with svu! it’s the perfect show to watch mindlessly. i haven’t watched enough to be doing rewatches yet but i can definitely see it becoming a show i rewatch in the future! and ahh lounging by the pool sounds lovely, i hope you’ve been able to find time to do that <3

      thank you so much!! happy july 💓


  7. Congrats on being done with your study intensive exams and Im glad to hear they went okay!! also congrats on graduating soon! I’m glad to hear your performance went well!
    Hope you have more free time and are able to relax more soon and have a lot of fun on your trip to Thailand! I’m also maybe going to be visiting Thailand this summer (Covid and other stuff permitting) and I am so so excited to go these!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ignore how late i am haha but thank you so much!! things were a whirlwind in may/june but i’m definitely finding time to relax more now hehe <3 and i'm so glad that you also had a lovely time in thailand! truly makes my heart so happy hehe


  8. I’m very very late to this, but I hope your exams went / are going well, sending you all the love! And please don’t apologize for not being that active, we all get busy and some things have to come before blogging. Always here whenever you’re back! <3 I hope you'll be able to relax after all of your exams and will have a fantastic time in Thailand, so exciting! <3

    Liked by 2 people

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